
Barely a week after his beautiful wife, Abiola Ayeni, granted an interview to Thisday newspaper, where she defended her husband’s alleged infidelity, billionaire businessman and top corporate lawyer, Tunde Ayeni, has come out in a strongly-worded disclaimer in Thisday Newspaper, to set the record straight on his alleged relationship with one Miss Adaobi Alagwu.

Attached is the letter duly signed by Dr. Tunde Ayeni.

The disclamer duely signed by Tunde Ayeni | Source – TheCapital

I, Dr Tunde Ayeni CON, hereby refute the noxious rumour concerning me and one Miss Adaobi Alagwu. Consequently, I find it pertinent to set the records straight permanently and for the last time.

One, I am not involved in any way with Miss Alagwu and I will never be again. I do not have anything to do with her and her daughter and I will never have anything to do with them. There isn’t the slightest interaction between us in any form whatsoever and there will not be.

Two. The rumours alleging that I gave her certain material possessions including a house, an office and cars are all lies. They are figments of the imagination of mischief makers.


Three. Right now, I’m a father of wonderful children with my delectable wife, Abiola. These are the legitimate scions of the Ayeni dynasty. I do not have any child elsewhere.

To allay any form of speculation based on Miss Adaobi’s claims, I hereby state that a DNA test was conducted to ascertain the paternity of the child.

However, for the sake of the child involved, even though we are not related to her, my wife and I have chosen not to speak of the content of the DNA. We leave Miss Alagwu to do so if she so wishes.

The Ayeni family is not in any way connected to the child and we will never be. Thus I refute the rumour of my connection to her and her mother, Miss Alagwu. There is no form of interaction between us and there would never be any interaction between us.

Adaobi Alagwu

The happiness and stability of my immediate family are of utmost importance to me at the moment. And I remain committed to upholding the undiminishing love, peace, and unity of my beloved family.

Thus I stand by my wife for her unwavering love and loyalty in the face of undeserved discourtesy spelt by the rumour. I want to thank her for coming out boldly to speak for our family in her recent interview. I stand with her in defence of our family. And I am wholeheartedly in support of her submissions in the interview.

Mr and Mrs Ayeni

I recognize that my speaking out on this matter might not be a common occurrence but in light of my hard earned reputation, my children’s future and the need to stand by the right principles even in the face of so much blackmail and set the records straight. A man is only as good as his beliefs.

This is the last time that my family and I will come out to address the issue.

Even as there seem to be major attempts by the efforts of naysayers to blackmail me and my family into shifting grounds or accepting what is certainly not in the best interest of our family, they will fail.

I want to thank our friends, family and associates for reaching out to us in this trying moment. We appreciate their outpouring of goodwill and love.

The media, friends and general public are, therefore, advised to respect our privacy and our stand on this matter.


Dr. Tunde Ayeni CON
