
Stop Evicting Your Husbands, UK Police Tell Nigerian Women

The women were urged to reconsider involving the authorities in domestic disagreements. As emphasis was laid on the crucial role that fathers play in the upbringing of children and that children should not be deprived of paternal care

The Metropolitan Police in the UK have issued a cautionary message to Nigerian wives and mothers, advising them to avoid evicting their husbands from their homes or involving the police in family disputes.

This advice was delivered during a church service at Divine Restoration International Church in Camberwell, London, which was attended by a predominantly Nigerian female audience. Officers highlighted a concerning statistic that over 70% of Yoruba women in England, Wales, and Ireland are single mothers.

According to the officers, some of these women reportedly use threats of police intervention to drive fathers out of their homes, potentially to secure welfare benefits.

One of the officers, accompanied by colleagues from various backgrounds, urged the women to reconsider involving the authorities in domestic disagreements. He emphasized the crucial role that fathers play in the upbringing of children, stressing that children should not be deprived of paternal care.


The officer also raised awareness about the rising issue of knife crimes affecting African diaspora communities and urged parents, especially mothers, to remain vigilant.

They also stressed the importance of ensuring that both parents are actively involved in their children’s lives to create a more stable and nurturing environment…Continue Reading
