
“Justice is Served for the Parties/Litigants, Plaintiffs/Defendants, The Society and, Conscience of Judiciary “.  

Nigeria” creed as a plural, heterogeneous society has never been in doubt. This is accentuated by the inevitability of “multi partysm” from the first Republic as well as recent showings in the last General, Presidential and Gubernatorial Elections on February 25th and 18th, March 2023 respectively.

Except for the attempt to foster a Two Party system on the country through the experimental concoctions of the Gen. Ibrahim Babangida political transition era, the nation has always shown a preference for multipartyism.                                                                                        

 In the Presidential Elections, three leading parties, APC, PDP and, LP won Twelve States while, NNPP won a State. This, aptly reflects the scenarios during aborted Second Republic, 1979 – 1983.  It is trite to reiterate the fact that in a multi party, democratic contest, the Party with simple majority carries the day !  INEC, declares and rightly so, the Presidential candidate of APC, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, winner of the polls. Having won the simple majority of vote cast.

The attendant subterranean ploys to scuttle the Presidential Elections outcome potent grave dangers for the country. It should therefore, be a staple concern for all well meaning, patriotic Nigerians. Some Patties, Labour Party and People’s Democratic Party to be specific,  have averred that INEC’s   declaration of victory for the APC Presidential candidate is skewed violation of the Electoral Act’s dictation of real time posting of results on the IREV.  The unanimous consensus is that the correct path to take in a constitutional democracy is to seek redress from the Judiciary. This process has since been commenced.                                                         


However, a number of booby traps are unconsciously or, mischievously been strewn to derail the seamless transition of power before May 29th. handover date.  Rag – Tag teams have openly called for a military takeover, Annulment, disqualification, dithering with a handover date, ad- museum.

All in glare violations of extant provisions of the Constitution. The most dangerous trend is the attempt to tarnish the image of the Judiciary by malevolently pre-empting its verdict on the Presidential polls. We must all put at the purple tips of our conscience to respect the tested, universal assertion that the Judiciary is the last hope of the common man, thus, the last resort, helpline of society. It should never become a yoyo-toy for kids in the market square!                                                                                       

We are most disturbed by the intervention of a platform like the Labour Bureaucracy in partisan, political space. It is trite to emphasise that the Labour has always played the roles of Veritable Watchdog, Conscience of the nation. This is possible because of its non- Partisanship.  The Labour Bureaucracy has seemingly thrown caution to the winds by its recent political posturings. Particular emphasis is placed here on the Labour Clarion to shame Judges who dare  to make any pronouncements that is not favourable to its known interest.                                                                                 

It is a common knowledge that the Labour Bureaucracy, without recourse to democratic consultations with its membership base, through a rank and file referendum, has publicly adopted a political party and its Presidential candidate. It has equally become the advocate for this opposition party. This is not only against Labour and constitutional laws but bereft of respect for the yearnings and aspirations of fee paying members who were never consulted !  This is not unexpected.  Most Labour leaders are mere paid Bureaucrats, who have become Lord of the Manors over the working and toiling members.  They are neither elected nor dues paying  members of unions but Bureaucrats. Many of them don’t even file the mandatory annual financial returns of the unions they preside over to the Ministry of Labour. Yet, they want to arrogate public equities without doing Equity. The puerile Campaigns to rubbish the Judiciary is not only Condemnable but a reprehensive machination to foil cloud of confusion, hopelessness and proclamation of crude, bestial self help on the country.

Our concern is that we have a majority of Nigerians  who did not cast votes, or, even believe in the parties involved in the last General Elections. We constitute the ” Third Force “. We are desirous of a Peaceful, Stable, Prosperous nation and shall resist any attempt to ambush the country into any state of anarchy. We call for “Democracy Vigil” across all capital cities of the country, to guard the nation from the antics if political Jobbers and anarchists.

Rev. Barrister Christian Nwachukwu (Convener).  07060605193.  

Omotaje, Olawale-Saint. (Secretary) 08106786992                        

For :- Masses’ Alternative
