
Outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari, on Sunday, in his farewell broadcast to the nation acknowledged that the President-Elect, Bola Tinubu was the best candidate in the 2023 presidential election.

According to him, ‘Tinubu was the best candidate among others and Nigerians have chosen well”. Buhari said Irrespective of the outcome of the various [election] cases, that he urged all parties involved to accept the decision of our courts and join hands to build a better Nigeria.

He said he is leaving behind an electoral process that guarantees that votes count, results are credible, elections are fair and transparent and the influence of money in politics is reduced to the barest minimum. And Nigerians can elect leaders of their choice.

The President said he feels fulfilled that his administration has started the rebirth of Nigeria by taking the initial critical steps. In his speech, Buhari said he is leaving the country better than he met it in 2015.
