
Chief EmmanuelKing is known for building cities through his Adron Homes and Properties Company

The Chairman and CEO of Adron Homes and Property, Aare Adetola Emmanuel-King, has reiterated his commitment to constructing new cities, providing affordable homes, and engaging in philanthropic activities on the occasion of his birthday celebration today, April 2nd, 2024.

Chief EmmanuelKing believes that his achievements thus far are divinely ordained and he remains thankful to his creator.

He made this known at his birthday thanksgiving praise and worship session at his country home, where; family, friends, staff and associates converged to celebrate with him.

The billionaire property developer is renowned for constructing entire cities through his company Adron Homes and Properties and he firmly believes that his greatest accomplishments are yet to come. “He is confident that as he ages, he gets better and with solid experience, he can navigate the challenges of life,” a source stated.


EmmanuelKing is dedicated to expanding his business and using his wealth to empower the underprivileged.

In celebration of Ramadan and Easter, the billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist has provided food items to those in need.

The high chief has requested that his friends and family avoid extravagant celebrations for his birthday due to the current economic situation and other national issues. Instead, he believes that his birthday should be an opportunity to give back to the community. The source stated that he has encouraged anyone who wishes to celebrate with him to make donations to motherless baby homes, schools for children with special needs, and other similar organizations on his behalf.

EmmanuelKing believes that success is not measured by personal wealth, but rather by the number of people who benefit from one’s efforts.

He is dedicated to constructing additional cities and affordable housing for individuals to improve their lives and enable them to transition from being renters to homeowners. He strongly believes that those who have more should also give to those who have less, particularly during these challenging times in the country.
