
CSOs Strategists Call For National Alliance To Fight Socio-Economic Saboteurs… Urge PBAT To Address The Nation

It noted with worry, the congregation of a number of forces with manifestly, sole but hidden aim to pull down the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu by any means necessary

The “CSOs Strategists”, a pan Nigerian, Coalition of Civil Society groups is a non-partisan but patriotic organization, held an emergency session of its members across nooks and crannies of the country to review the state of the nation, with particular emphasis on the planned protests scheduled for 1st to 10th. August, 2024.

The group while conceding that the right to protest is universally recognized under constitutional democracy all over the world, it cautions the Organisers to be conscious of the fact that, this must be exercised within the ambit of the law, must be civil and, must not infringe on the rights and privileges of other citizens.

The CSO strategists observed with grave concerns that a combination of organizations have been spreading information on the social media and other networks on  resolve to embark on protest, tagged:-

 #End Hunger



It is noted that this campaign has a lot of similitude with protests that have degenerated into mass fiascos, mayhem and chaos in the past. It noted with worry, the congregation of a number of forces with manifestly, sole but hidden aim to pull down the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu by any means necessary.  These include Oil and Gas, Banking and Finance ( Forex to be specific), Agriculture and Food Supply Chains, as well as those fuelling extortive, hyperinflation. 

In truth, they have constituted themselves into real spectre of Saboteurs’ Transgression. This Sabotage of our National, collective patrimony demands urgent, swift containment before it snowballs into fatal, social and economic consequences. Thus, we unequivocally call for a National Alliance Against Socioeconomic Saboteurs as the only lasting panacea to end hunger, hardships and crisis in our land. This is highly imperative if Nigeria must attain its lofty heights and citizens enjoy the benefits of present socioeconomic reforms. No doubt, Nigeria is abundantly blessed with minerals and natural resources. The question is, what are we doing against internal saboteurs, acting to perpetually cripple the nation ?

The CSOs Strategists, equally call on President Tinubu to urgently address the country in a National Broadcast, noting that we are at a moment in history when silence is not golden. The address would afford the President, rare opportunity to connect with citizens, empathize with their plights, further explain the objectives of the reforms, and appeal for understanding and support.

We also unequivocally call on APC led Federal Government under the leadership of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to find lasting solution to Insecurity, increment in food products  and problem facing oil and gas sector by fixing oil refinery.


For- CSOs Strategists
Alex Omotehinse 
Centre for Human and Socio-economy Rights 
Ahmed Balogun
Frontline Socio-economy research centre 
Co-convener Director
WorkBond International Network (WIN)
Network Alliance for Global Challenge
Good Governance for the masses
Centre for Human Rights Advocacy
Lawyers Without Borders, Abuja
Youth Initiative Agenda for Democratic Process
Southwest People Parliamentary Agenda
Peace Initiative For Better Nigeria
Boarders People’s Rights Agenda
Youth League Academy
