

“Embrace Tinubu’s Offer To Dialogue For Peace, Stability, Growth And Development” – CSOs Strategists Urge Protesters

We call on all patriotic Nigerians to join hands in defending our efforts at nationhood building. We call on Organizers and Protesters to embrace the Olive Branch offered by the Presidency.

Mr. President’s national broadcast on the #Hunger protest, which kicked off as announced on Thursday, 1st. August, 2024 was a rare, passionate appeal for Nigerian youths and Organizers of the Protest to embrace, ‘ Open Circuit Democratic Dialogue”. The CSOs Strategists applaud this initiative as a vital ingredient of constitutional, democratic governance, urging protesters to maximize the utilization of this window to move the nation forward.

The CSOs Strategists noted the President’s itemization of various reforms, social interventions and policy reinvention under his watch in the Fourteen (14) months of his administration. We dare challenge that no other Presidency in recent history of our great country has achieved so much within so little a time.


The President acknowledge the hardship and challenges, neccessarily occasioning the reforms, pleading for little time to reap its dividends while, sympathizing with the citizens’ plights.

The President’s appeal to shelf further protests in order not to collapse our ailing economy however, seems not to go down well with some Fifth Columnists who have infiltrated the movement. In this regards, we join all other well meaning Nigerians to condemn the outbreak of violence in some protest centres in Kano, Kaduna and Nasarawa. Both the wanton destruction of public and private properties by Protesters as well as Police brutality, maiming and killing Protesters. Further bloodshed and destruction can be averted if all parties embrace opportunities for dialogue.

Our readings of some of the leading promoters of the protests glaringly exposed inordinate, partisan ambition – driven intents. Oppsition leaders, economy saboteurs, Oil cabals, etc are all sour losers in oill subsidy removal as the channel as block them from milking and sucking our collective heritage.

We note with dismay, the International espionage dimensions as those who are seeking Nigeria to become a ” Failed State” have obviously shown their imprimatur in the protest. The clarion for Russia to take over the country is tragic, nuseating and reprehensible. It follows well known scripts that has succeeded in some West African States, where, protests and revolts are provoked to lay the basis for military intervention and subsequent alignment with Russia. We condemned in unmistakable terms the attempts by Russian and other global espionage to meddle in our internal affairs and subvert our national sovereignty.

We call on all patriotic Nigerians to join hands in defending our efforts at nationhood building. We call on Organizers and Protesters to embrace the Olive Branch offered by the Presidency. The Dialogue Table is not just a National Patriotic duty, but, best opportunity for all demands to be amicably addressed and consensus agreements brokered.

We have no other country but Nigeria. Let us build a salvation front, a national alliance against socio-economic sabotage for our great country to move forward.

Let’s Give Peace A Chance.
Embrace Dialogue
Long Live Nigeria

In Service to Humanity,

Convener – Balogun Hameed
Frontline Socio-economy research centre

Centre for Human and Socio-economy Rights
WorkBond International Network (WIN)
Network Alliance for Global Challenge
Good Governance for the masses
Centre for Human Rights Advocacy
Lawyers Without Borders, Abuja
Youth Initiative Agenda for Democratic Process
Southwest People Parliamentary Agenda
Peace Initiative For Better Nigeria
Boarders People’s Rights Agenda
Youth League Academy
