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HomeNewsGhana: Council of Elders Set to Meet Over NDC Internal Wranglings

Ghana: Council of Elders Set to Meet Over NDC Internal Wranglings

Ghana: Council of Elders Set to Meet Over NDC Internal Wranglings

The Council of Elders of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), are expected to hold a crunch meeting to address the raging internal fight among some leading members, has gathered.

Last week, there were accusations and counter accusations between former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Martin Amidu and former Deputy Chief of Staff, Dr Valerie Sawyerr.

Some functionaries within the party jumped into the fray heightening the already acrimonious relationship within the party leadership over who is to actually be blamed for the party’s woes.

Former President Flt. Lt. Jerrry John Rawlings

It is not known if former President Jerry John Rawlings who is the Chairman of the Council of Elders will be part of the peace brokering-meeting considering the fact that he himself has been accused of denigrating the front of the party at the least opportunity.

A former Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Ejisu-Juaben, Afrifa Yamaoh Ponkoh late last week, observed that the public utterances of the party’s founder are to blame for its electoral defeat.

He alleged that Mr Rawlings armed the then opposition with the necessary weapons to unleash on members of his own party with claims they were corrupt and unfit to rule the country for another term.

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