
Aworiland has never fallen short of being at the receiving end of ‘everything’, trade off and ‘adulterated’ bargaining needed to complete the constitutional equation of Ogun State politics despite her huge contributions to the economic growth and development of Ogun State.

Ota Ijamido River godess statue

Has anything changed? The Judas(es) that sold Aworiland

By Saheed Oyede (PhD)

Aworiland-South West Nigeria is a peculiar land of interest; Ota being one of the leading industrial Awori towns is the economic heartbeat of Ogun State and one of the towns to reckon with in terms of political strength in electioneering time. Aworiland is part of Ogun West Senatorial District and is being speculated or taunted to produce the next Governor of Ogun State because she and Yewa land had been politically marginalized, therefore, they have never produced the Governor of the State since it was created.

However Aworiland has never fallen short of being at the receiving end of ‘everything’, trade off and ‘adulterated’ bargaining needed to complete the constitutional equation of Ogun State politics despite her huge contributions to the economic growth and development of Ogun State. Ota, an important Awori town, if not the entire Aworiland has been Judasized!

You will strongly agree with me that the Judas of Aworiland needs no introduction, but for the purpose of this write up, let me define Judasization School of Thought (JST) as a group of selected few saddled with the responsibility of causing a storm in a tea cup. Members of this School of thought are our greedy Brothers that sold out the Jesus of Aworiland. Anywhere there is a Judas, there must be a sell out! When you become ‘the constituted authority’ unto yourself, you are said to be have been Judasized.


Having defined the above, it should be stressed that when a constituted authority begins to constitute nuisance, we have the right to call them to order because no single individual has the monopoly of the right to misbehave, everybody has similar right; some of us just abuse the right!

Experts argue that there is nothing wrong in being a member of a political school of thought for it is a universal fact that a man is not called a drunkard when he drinks but when he misbehaves.

There are many ‘awaiting drunkards’ in Aworiland in general and Ota in particular ahead of 2019 only waiting for the drink to pass to their table. When the time comes, we shall stone their birds according to its flight patterns. But as a member of the Judasized School of Thought (JST), you will most likely grow from being a Messiah to becoming a menace. As individuals, we have the tendency to exhibit the Judasized trait, the only necessary and sufficient ingredient needed to make the equation complete is GREED.

The current political and traditional upturns in some parts of Awori land of Ogun state, viz: Ijoko Ota, Iju Ota, Ado-Odo, and some towns within the Ado-Odo/Ota local government can not be ostracized from the Judas(es) we have amongst us.

The inability of them(Judas(es) to turn down juicy offers from their paymasters and the over-ambiguous quests for political gains at the expense of the land that bread, watered, trained and will still keep them six feet under the ground will not make them say ‘NO’ to an attempt to exchange their Jesus(Awori land) for a bag of Shekel which they may eventually not spend.

History will not forget those who have sold or Judasized Awori land in time past, they got handsomely rewarded.

The era of being coward to do what we know to be right or being too coward to avoid doing what we know to be wrong is over!  No individual can be as wise as all of us combined! Come 2019, God willing; we shall all be here together to review the Aworiland 2015-2019 political turbulent years and the roles played by all the relevant stakeholders.

The story will start with ‘Once upon a time in Aworiland, during the political turbulent years …’ but for now, if your loyalty is in doubt as an Awori man, you have been Judasized! This Judasized rain is beating us too much! History please take note!

*Has anything changed? The Judas(es) that sold Aworiland was first published: Feb. 8, 2017
Saheed Humanbeing Oyede (PhD) is a crown prince of Ota, Aworiland, writes from Jos 08060210424
