
Paternity saga: Family Disowns Adaobi Alagwu As Business Mogul Tunde Ayeni Crushes Her with Affidavit

In her desperation to get hooked on the billionaire magnate and former bank chief, Alagwu fabricated a plot to get pregnant by him

It would be recalled that Tunde Ayeni wrote the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS), recently, asking it to void any international passport presented by Abuja town lady, Adaobi Alagwu and her child, bearing his name.

Declaring any such document illegitimate, Ayeni, speaking through his lawyer, Dele Adesina (SAN) established that Alagwu’s daughter isn’t entitled to the use of his name on her travel document as he has no familial relationship with her.

Ayeni disclosed this by copying the NIS a “Cease and Desist” legal notice he sent to Alagwu entitled, “Withdrawal of Consent for Use of the Family Name ‘Ayeni’ With Respect To Your Daughter Omarosa.” Ayeni’s recent step was informed by Alagwu’s adoption of his name on her daughter’s international passport even after a DNA test had established that she wasn’t Ayeni’s child.

The duo has been entangled in a battle of wits that had seen Ayeni issue multiple press statements to refute claims of paternity of Alagwu’s child. …continue reading after adverts


In her desperation to get hooked on the billionaire magnate and former bank chief, Alagwu fabricated a plot to get pregnant by him and, so doing, implant herself and her child as beneficiaries of his estate.

Alagwu thought she had gained a victory over Ayeni simply by claiming that she was pregnant for him and her baby girl belonged to him (but she was mistaken). In all of these, the fate of one human element hangs in the balance, that of Alagwu’s innocent young daughter. And her salvation, interestingly lies in Alagwu’s hands.

If anything, Alagwu must be wary of mortgaging her daughter’s interest in her frantic bid to settle scores with Ayeni. Even if she enjoys the inalienable right to adopt any name of her choice, including Tunde Ayeni’s, for her daughter, the onus rests on her to listen to the voice of reason and embrace moral rectitude by protecting her daughter from certain ignominy and shame of answering to the name of a man who publicly rejected her.

Interestingly, however, Tunde Ayeni, a man whose name commands respect in both the legal corridors and business arenas, has stepped forward to sweep away the fog. In an affidavit sworn before the High Court of Justice, Ayeni has declared unequivocally that he has no legal or emotional ties to Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu, a woman who has positioned herself as his new wife in the court of public opinion.

In his recently sworn affidavit, however, Ayeni’s words are clear, deliberate, and unyielding, as if chiseling truth out of stone. “I am legally married to Mrs. Abiola Ayeni and no other person,” his statement begins, cutting through the tangled web of misinformation like a knife through smoke.

His marriage to Abiola Ayeni, his lawful wife, is the cornerstone of this declaration—a beacon of clarity amid the murky waters of speculation.

In the sworn affidavit, Ayeni casts off the shadow of an alleged relationship with one Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu, a woman who sought to tether her fate to his, claiming both matrimonial and paternal ties that, in truth, never existed. The Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, the stage upon which this drama unfolds, has long been familiar with whispers of scandal, but this time, the murmurs have met a wall of unwavering resolve.

In a firm voice and tenor that brooks no contradiction, Ayeni chisels his narrative from the rock of reality. “There was no marriage,” his declaration reads, as he dispels the falsehoods surrounding him.

“That I have not contracted any other legal or customary marriage to Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu or any other person for that matter.

“That Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu manipulated me into believing that I was the biological father of her bom daughter named Omarosa Abimbola Ayeni.

“That the purported DNA result Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu claims to have is not correct as she in the course of the DNA process tampered with the process by hacking into my wife’s email address submitted to receive the result of the DNA.

That I hereby unequivocally withdraw any consent given to Ms Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu to register her born daughter named “Omarosa Abimbola Ayeni” with my family name.

“That I have no legal obligations or affections with Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu and will never do including her said daughter Omarosa Abimbola Ayeni or any member of her family or any entity that may be related to her and that she ceases all contacts, affiliation or communication with my friends and family.

“That this oath has become necessary to clarify and correct the records. That I depose to this Affidavit in good faith, to enable me obtain a replacement from the issuing authority concerned and for record purposes.”

In a nutshell, Ayeni clarifies in his oath, that no sacred vows were exchanged, no solemnization of union was performed, and no bond of marriage exists between him and Ms. Alagwu. Thus what stands in the public eye as a grand union is, in truth, nothing more than smoke and mirrors—a shadow play orchestrated by one who sought to claim for herself what was never hers to possess. More

With Ayeni’s rebuttal of any relations with Alagwu, every shadow of doubt and innuendo are spiritedly dismissed, and the question of Ayeni’s alleged paternity of Alagwu’s child has been laid to rest.

Ayeni’s affidavit peels back the layers of deceit, exposing the lengths to which Ms. Alagwu went to bind him to a child that is not his.

For Ayeni, this battle is not merely one of personal vindication but of public integrity. His affidavit stands as a bulwark against the rising tide of rumors and falsehoods, a testament to the power of truth in the face of deception. He speaks not only for himself but for his family, for his wife, and for the name that has become synonymous with success, honor, and respect in the business and legal worlds.

His message is clear: no amount of deceit, no shadow of falsehood, can obscure the light of truth that he has carried with him through the trials of life.

As Ayeni’s personal stance is made manifest in the courts of law, so too does the voice of his family resound with equal clarity.

The Ayeni Obaniwa family of Iyah-Gbede, a dynasty steeped in tradition and respect, has stepped forward to offer their own denunciation of this alleged union. They stand united, a fortress of solidarity against the whispers that seek to undermine the dignity of their name. In a public declaration, the family leaders proclaim their ignorance of any relationship between their illustrious son and Ms. Alagwu.

It is not mere ignorance that they assert, however; it is a repudiation, an act of protection for their lineage and legacy. “The purported daughter of Ms. Adaobi Jennifer Alagwu, said to be named Omarosa, is not the daughter of our brother,” the family declares. Their words ring with finality, a closing chapter to a story that has stretched beyond the bounds of reason. No child of Ms. Alagwu bears the Ayeni name; no claim can be made to the bloodline. The Ayeni dynasty remains unsullied by the fabrications of a woman whose ambitions have led her to spin a web of deceit.

The family’s statement is more than a renunciation—it is a boundary drawn in the sand, a wall erected between truth and falsehood, protecting the sanctity of their name. The Ayeni Obaniwa family stands firm, stating unequivocally that no member of their lineage has ever entertained communication with Ms. Alagwu, nor will they ever. The legacy of the Ayeni family, they proclaim, cannot be tarnished by the baseless claims of a woman outside their fold.

The court filings, the sworn affidavit, the family’s public statements—all these converge into a single, unassailable truth: there is no marriage, no union, no claim of paternity that can withstand the scrutiny of light. Ayeni’s life remains bound to the woman to whom he pledged his heart and his name—Mrs. Abiola Ayeni—and no shadow of deceit can cast a pall over that sacred bond. His family’s name, too, remains untarnished, protected by the walls of truth that they have erected against the whispers of scandal.

As the final strokes of this narrative are penned, one thing becomes clear: the house of cards that Ms. Alagwu sought to build has come crashing down. The shadows have lifted, the truth stands in the light, and Ayeni, his family, and his legacy remain unscathed by the fabrications that sought to ensnare them.

Will Adaobi Alagwu quit barking up the wrong tree? Will she desist from her wild goose pursuit and so doing save her innocent daughter from immediate and future disgrace?

Yet, Alagwu stumbles in the shadows of her own misjudgment, incapable of grasping the magnitude of her folly, her response to the truth clumsy and confused. It is not Mrs. Ayeni who has come for her, as she so hastily claims, but Olatunde Ayeni himself, firing from every angle, determined to pierce through the veil of deception and set the record straight. His resolve stands tall, unwavering, and relentless, like the sharp winds of a storm that scatter the fragile house of lies she has built around herself.

Pundits aver that, its about time Alagwu and her crew bowed their heads in shame for orchestrating such a sordid spectacle. The streets buzz with quiet laughter, and not a few have smirked at the absurdity of her persistence.

According to them, if she possessed even a glimmer of self-respect, she would have retreated, and abandoned her vain quest to foist a child upon a man who has been unequivocally proven not to be the father. Her pride, if it exists, lies dormant, crippled by the stubbornness that blinds her to the disgrace she pulls upon herself with every step she takes toward Ayeni’s fortress of resolve.

Yet her tragic flaw is not hers alone; it is shared by those who, with twisted tongues, encourage her to press on, to cling to the ruins of her deception. They feed her lies with whispers of bride price and mutter that it is Mrs. Ayeni who bars her path to legitimacy. So doing, they goad her to ignore the unmistakable truth: it is Mr. Ayeni who rejects her, with all the force of a man seasoned by thirty years of marriage, a man fortified by the wisdom of experience.

His resolve is like iron, and his desire to erase her ignominy from his life is no fleeting whim—it is a deeply rooted conviction, grounded in the sanctity of his family and fortified by his wife’s unwavering support.

Indeed, many have praised Ayeni’s courage, commending his resolve to stand firm against the tide of falsehood that threatens to engulf him. His legal action has been lauded as the sword that severs the plot of Alagwu, who appears bent on forcing her daughter into his lineage, seeking not a father for her child but access to his vast fortune.

“Too many wealthy men suffer in silence,” mused a senior lawyer, wise in the ways of such cases in Abuja. “They are ensnared by desperate women who seek to tether them with illegitimate children, willing to wreak havoc on their homes if denied.”

But unlike others who have been cowed, and who have caved beneath the weight of relentless assaults on their dignity, Ayeni has stood firm. He has met Alagwu’s deceit with every defense at his disposal, and alongside his wife, he has formed an impenetrable wall against the onslaught of greed that threatens to taint his name.

For Alagwu, her lie was merely the beginning—her sin deepened as she trespassed again and again, invading not just private property but the sanctity of a life that would never welcome her. Her soul, now twisted with guilt, writhes beneath the burden of its own transgressions, and the disgrace she faces is the inevitable harvest of seeds sown in dishonor.

In her darkest hour, that disgrace took physical form as she was led into the hands of the law, an arrest in Abuja marking the pinnacle of her descent. The shame she now bears is a bitter fruit, born of her own actions, a fitting consequence for the disorder she has unleashed upon herself.

Attempts to hear her side of the story have proven futile, for when truth knocks at her door, Alagwu remains silent. She has so far, refused to pick up the phone or respond to this Reporter’s attempt to get her side to the story. Previous attempts to hear her reaction to Ayeni’s disavowal of her claims have been rebuffed by the Alagwu.

One such attempt by a journalist turned awry as the Abuja lawyer allegedly launched a verbal attack against him, hurling invectives at him in street pidgin, for daring to feel her pulse on the matter.

Alagwu’s reluctance to speak to the press, revealed sources close to her, is mired in her inability to express herself. Her command of language is very poor and is heavily tainted with her local dialect. But rather than get a voice and language coach, a belligerent and cocksure Alagwu claims that she is too classy to speak to any journalist. More

Credit: The Capital NG
