
Notable graphic designer and an associate marketing manager, Prince Oluwagbenga Olalekan Bankole, has been announced as the Onikonifewo of Konifewo kingdom following a unanimous decision by the kingmakers of the ancient town.

Bankole, who is in his 40s emerged as the 16th monarch of Konifewo after the five kingmakers voted unanimously for him, beating the other 8 princes who are also candidates to the town’s exalted stool.

His emergence was announced by the kingmakers at the ruling house courtyard of the royal family, Konifewo in Ado-Odo/Ota local government area of Ogun State.

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It was jubilation galore across the length and breadth of the town after the kingmakers announced Bankole as the new Oba of Konifewo land. According to our correspondent, young and old indigenes and residents of the town trooped in large numbers to streets rejoicing over the choice of Bankole.


Prince Oluwagbenga Olalekan Bankole attended the premier Iganmode Grammar School in Ota, Ogun State, and went on to pursue various honors in higher institutes of education. He has a degree in graphic design and also holds an associate degree in Marketing Management.

Bankole, who held the position of the Managing Director of Design74, a Lagos-based advertising firm for 15 years, is married and blessed with three children.

Checks revealed that the monarch-elect is currently based in Colorado United State of America.

newsheadline247 understands that the entire people of the town are eagerly waiting for his acceptance speech as he plans to visit for his late mothers funeral later in the year.

Konifewo is one of the prominent towns of Aworiland in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
