Color Settings
Thing to remember: First of all you need to login your WordPress website after
that you need go to Dashboard. Follow this instruction to set header title and logo.
First Go to Dashboard > Appearance >Customize >Color Settings >
Click on Categories color and change color of each categories.
click on color setting and change body text color.
Typography Setting
Dashboard > Appearance >Customize > Typography Setting
Now you can see many lists of the typography Setting options , Now, you can check individually. Here you can find lots of options. We list some of them, they are given below….
- Header Font Size Options: In this section you can find all the header font size settings, which cover header area.
Now you can see screenshot for the header font size options: It’s makes your task very easy:
- Font sizes for title: In this section you can find Font size for title (From h1 to h6 and post, page, Widget and comment title. Its very easy to change font size of different title.
- Footer font size option: In this section covers all the Footer font size settings, which cover the footer area.