…says History will never forget your role in installation of Owu man as Oba on Awori soil
Good day Sir,
Kindly permit me to skip greeting and familiarity as there would be much time later in life to exchange pleasantries (if destiny would permit).
it is with mixed feeling and burden in my heart that I took to my keypad to write you this uncommon but very pertinent open letter sir.
I am not writing this as an Editor of the fastest growing local media firm in Lagos and Ogun States, but as a concerned descendant of Iganmode whose passion and quest for our dear Jerusalem (Ota and Aworiland) can not be mixed or traded with the juiciest of appointments.
The honorable Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Chief Jide Ojuko, it will interest you to know that I battled insomnia all night yesterday as the agony and pain of the history you are about to rewrite in Iju-Ota kept dragging me out of sleep.
Just last night, I confirmed authoritatively that your office, in which you act as the Numero-Uno approved the appointment of an Owu man in his 90’s (Mr. Sodeinde) to become an Oba in Iju, Ota (unarguably Awori land with prove of ownership and several court judgements). What a way to behave like a ‘True born’.
The role you secretly played in the installation process of the newly elected Oloja Ekun of Igbesa land is not hidden before God, even if it is before men. That is not an issue for today sir, when we get to that bridge, we shall cross it.

Your excellency sir, I dunno if you have carefully perused the consequences of your action and inaction in the Obaship tussle which you have tactically created in Iju Ota, but I would let our readers know some of them.
History will have it that a well bred Ota son from the Isoloshi ruling house seated on the helms of affairs of the ministry that appointed an Owu man to become a monarch on Awori soil.
Let’s leave history and its consequences sir. What can we say about the needless tension that would arise as a result of your action as those families who are genuinely entitled to the throne seemed to have been deprived?
Your Excellency sir, I am not aware of your absence from the town when similar war broke out in Ijoko Ota over a decade ago. Some people have not yet recovered from the consequences. Peace they used to say is not the absence of war.
Let me fine tune my illustration to you sir. There is a particular house somewhere around Oke-Ide in Ota that has remained under lock and keys for ages. This is not because the house is not habitable or people did not like to inhabit the house but for the dire consequence of betrayal. (I do not want to tell the full story). But it is not a gainsay that those that has betrayed Ota in time past did not live to tell the story, moreover, their families are catching up with the consequence too.
The Sobaloju of Ota, Awori land, I would want you to write your name in gold by publicly denying your involvement in this Obaship brouhaha or if it is an indeliberate action from you, there is still time to make a u-turn and if the heat is much on you to play the script, do honorably tender your resignation letter and save the people of Ota from this intending doom. By so doing, your portrait would be hung in the hall of fame.
Thank you so much for considering my token from me to you. The people of Iju Ota and Awori land loves you so much.
Your adopted son,