Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionSowore, Dasuki ‘Presidential Release’ – Thoughts of a Weak Separation of Power...

Sowore, Dasuki ‘Presidential Release’ – Thoughts of a Weak Separation of Power by Lukman Omikunle

From my thoughts, this administration is gradually coming to terms with reality and of course, has begun to embrace the tenets of rule of law which is the bedrock of any democratic structure.

The release of the publisher of Sahara Reporters and the convener #RevolutionNow, Omoyele Sowore and former National Security Adviser (NSA), Sambo Dasuki from detention by the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has been applauded by genuine democrats and those who believe in the dynamism of a true democracy.

Dasuki was released after four years in detention while Sowore was released after being incarcerated for over 120 days.

The Federal Government of Nigerian finally ordered the release of the duo after denying them freedom despite several courts orders granting them bails.

This decision of the FG to finally respect the ‘rule of law’ came after growing concerns from within the country and the international community.

Concerned Nigerians, including former presidents and human rights activists, cried to the rooftops over disobedience to court rulings.

But some of those who believed the Buhari’s administration has come to right all wrongs have naively refused to understand the principles of checks and balances in a democratic Presidential system of government.

They have ignorantly failed to understand that the Executive, Legislators and the Judiciary are the three key organs of the current system of our government which must and should operate separately and independently.

The sad truth at the moment in our history is that the three separate organs have been politically and strategically fused together, making it for a cabal to hold the scrotum of the country in its hands – a precedent that makes the future of our democracy gloomy.

No doubt the core values of separation of power in this dispensation has been swept aside for political moves.

After the un-ceremonial exit of former Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Walter Onnoghen following alleged corruption charges, the emergence of his successor, Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad was not without the sole approval of the head of the executive arm of the government. In the same vein, after the 2019 general election, the ‘selection’ of the leaders of the national assembly, precisely the speaker of the Federal House of Representatives and the Senate President was not without nods from the executive.

Who then dares his benefactor – No doubt there is no more space for checks and balances as the strength of separation of power becomes weak after the strategic integration of the three key organs of government under a presidential system – obviously he who pays the piper dictates tunes as he wants.  

Read Also Parenting Influence in Child Education by Lukman Omikunle

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