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HomeNewsUnveiling the Intimidating Profile of Prince Barrister Abiodun Akande Akinboyede

Unveiling the Intimidating Profile of Prince Barrister Abiodun Akande Akinboyede

Prince Abiodun Akinboyede

Prince Abiodun Akande Akinboyede was born at Ota on the 29th day of December in the 70s into the Ijemo Isoloshi Royal Family of Ota. His father, late Alhaji (Chief) Adio Abubakar Akinsola Akinboyede was an elder stateman, a man of many firsts in his lifetime achieving the herculean feat of being the first Lawyer in Awori Land, the first Commissioner for works in Ogun State among others and his mother Alhaja Soburat Olabowale Akinboyede, nee Deinde, a very devout Muslim, a successful teacher and educationist.

Abiodun was the last son and the 6th child of his father. His parent’s love for education set him off early to a life characterized by many landmark successes.

Aside from being born into a royal linage, Prince Abiodun’s rare charisma and aura set him aside in the committee of princes and princesses of Aworiland.

Like his late father, Prince Abiodun is well ahead of his peers achieving ground breaking feats early in life and placing enviable foot prints on sands of time.

He started school early at a tender age of 2 at St Benedeth Nursery and Primary School Abeokuta through Tunwase Nursery and Primary School Ikeja to Iganmode Nursery and primary school, Igbala Ota, before completing his primary school education at the African Church Primary School Ota.

He later proceeded to Nawair ud deen Grammar School Obantoko Abeokuta between 1983 and 1988. After completion of his secondary education, this charismatic Awori Prince then secured admission to the prestigious University of Abuja to study Law in 1990, a program he completed in December 1995.

He went further in December 1996 and graduated as the 3rd best student from the Nigerian Law School, a notable achievement which was much-admired by Awori sons and daughters home and abroad.

Omo Oba Akinboyede as popularly known afterwards participated in the mandatory one year National Youth service program in 1997 and immediately returned to school for a Master’s degree in Law

This time he attended the prestigious University of Lagos for a Master’s degree, despite finishing with a distinction in 1998 and an option to do his PHD immediately, Prince Abiodun Akinboyede opted to start work.

Prince Abiodun Akinboyede

It was gathered that his first stint was with Chevron Nigeria, having been recommended by Authur Anderson Limited as part of the placement program by the Nigerian Law School for the first 10 best students; his father however was not moved with avalanche of mouthwatering offers falling on the laps of Prince Abiodun from reputable local and international companies as he insisted that the young prince pick a gown and join him at the bar to practice Law.

Unequivocally, he joined his father’s chambers in 1999, following periods of pupillage at F.A Ajayi & Co and Aina, Njoku and Olusunmade and also a few months at Zmirage Multimedia Limited.

From the chambers in Ota and Lagos, Abiodun set about the task of improving the chambers his father built through sheer hard work and commitment, he set up the Abuja office of the firm and went ahead to give the firm an international edge.  His unblemished records still remain a cynosure of young and aspiring lawyers.

In 2006, he was engaged as the Legal Adviser/ Government liaison personnel by Willbros Nigeria Limited, a responsibility that he handled with great zeal. This job availed him the opportunity to provide employment opportunity for over 200 Awori youths and residents in Ota and its environs.

Through his involvement and his undying commitment to the development of Awori land propelled his agitation for laudable social responsibility projects from Willbros Nigeria Limited. The company and owners of the project succumbed to Prince Abiodun’s pressure and provided befitting social responsibility targeted projects which include building blocks of classrooms and clinics around the host communities.

His relentless devotion  for the development of his people and Awori land further dragged him to politics and as a brave young man full of confidence, he aspired to become a distinguish Senator of the Federal Republic. In 2011, Prince Abiodun secured a senatorial candidate ticket under the defunct CPC to represent Ogun West at the red chamber after turbulence primaries with heavy weights. Though, he lost in the general election but his attempt and efforts was applauded by his kinsmen.

After losing in the election, Prince Abiodun was again engaged by Willbros international to assist in a lawsuit in London, his contributions led to the eventual out of Court settlement of the 1-billion-dollar lawsuit in 2013. Since then, the Awori prince has become an influential figure home and abroad.

It was also gathered that the Ijemo-Isoloshi born prince do volunteers time and expertise to his community without restraint. He did represented his community at the Justice Sonoiki Panel of enquiry in 2005, the justice Okuboyejo and Oshidipe panels of enquiries among various such fronts aimed at ensuring the full emancipation of the people of Ota and Awori in general.

Those who are very close to this charming Ota Prince described him as a “level headed, humble and down to earth person, a dedicated father of two lovely children, an ardent family man and a compassionate representative of his people.”

More findings  revealed that Prince Abiodun is a quiet and selfless philanthropist who gives assistance to indigenes and non-indigenes on issues of education periodically and his practice is characterized by his knack for giving free legal services, (A situation he learnt to accept in the early part of his practice within his community as most clients will tell him that his father does not collect money for helping his people, so no one expects the son to either) and since then, ”he maintains that he will continue to offer free legal services and advice to sons and daughters of Ota and other climes.”

An Awori royal chieftain also added that “Barrister Abiodun Akinboyede loves his people and always believed that what you make of our home is what you enjoy from it.”

His Achievements

Omo Oba Abiodun Akinboyede is a multifaceted business man, one who understands the Nigerian business landscape, having lost and learnt that losing is a prerequisite for attaining success. He is the CEO of two fledging companies, the Managing Partner of Adio Akinboyede & COMPANY Law Offices.

He is the Bamofin of Isheri Olofin. He had a brief sojourn into the politics of his community also, ushered into the thick of politics in 1999 and appointed the chairman of the National Youth Alliance under the PDP. He moved to the CPC and contested for the Ogun West Senatorial seat in the same year, coming a distant 4th with 5212 votes. His goal has always been to be a part of the solution to the Awori problems and Nigerian at large. A goal he believes will one day be matched with an opportunity.

He has lots of investments within Ota and he enjoys life with his family and friends at every opportunity he has


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